
Friday, November 9, 2012

Monday Morning Quarterbacking on the first Friday after Election

  1. I keep my political thoughts to a minimum on all but one of my social media profiles, but even if you know me only from those politically-anemic profiles, you probably know which way I swing on the political pendulum. I am not secretive about it, I am merely selective.

    With that thought in mind, read the following at your own risk. Thanks.

    Right leaning voters took a hit in the recent POTUS election. The speculating is wild - everything from - Obama's side stole it - to - the count is wrong. Odds are overwhelming that neither assertion is true. Want to hear what is true, though? The right is out of touch with modern America. Even the GOP sees this now. What it offered, America didn't buy it. America bought the competition's product. The GOP wants to know why. This post suggests a possibility.

    Fact - America is a diverse hodge-podge of individuals with various interests, concerns and values, but the overwhelming majority of us want a roof over our head, food on our table, a living wage job, a healthy future for our children, reasonable healthcare expectations, relative safety on our shores, and equality for all. People on the left want this, people on the right want this. The break happens in how we best get there. 

    I submit that the right focuses on getting there by fear and threats. Examples -

    "Get off your lazy ass and get a job."

    "I shouldn't have to pay for your healthcare or birth control."


    If you want Americans on your side, I submit that you might want to stop accusing them of malicious intent.

    Treating Latinos as suspected illegal citizens, accusing women of mooching off Planned Parenthood, pointing the "you're lazy" finger at those too poor or sick or self-employed to buy healthcare...isn't going to sell your product, EVEN if the group you're trying to appeal to is not Latino, not female, and comfortably-covered with a spiffy healthcare policy.
    Why will the sales pitch fail?

    Because you sound like a dick when you talk about Americans like they are lowlifes. Believe it or not, telling a gay person their legal right to marry should be denied because YOUR PARTY doesn't like it - even if you personally are okay with same-sex marriage equality - is an insult to every LGBTQ (and their family, friends, co-workers, etc.). Suggesting the DREAM Act is a brilliant way for Obama to reward anchor babies, is an insult to immigrant families and their (often white) friends. Offering a woman adoption in lieu of the right to privately choose, insults the hard work people like my grandmother did to further women's rights. Telling people who are struggling with chronic illness that, "we need to improve healthcare delivery in this country, but Obamacare is sociialism," insults those who are living with needless pain and sickness every day. It's also an entirely WRONG statement.

    Americans who aren't white, aren't straight, aren't employed, aren't male - are not moochers, "illegals", marriage destroyers, sluts, lazy turds, or welfare queens. They are AMERICANS. You can search all day for a handful of moochers but please don't be blind to the millions who are doing the best they can with what they've got. Americans are waking up to the (yes, get ready for that word - SOCIALISTIC) idea that we are all in this together. This is the United States of America, not the Fifty Statistans of North America.

    Consider this - who tells you about the welfare queens? Who informs you about the continued terrorist threats? Who tells you pot is bad and unfettered banking is good? Who shares with you the cases of women using abortions because they are too irresponsible to get birth control?

    Who told you about those wicked people in America? And who KEEPS telling you about them?

    I'm not going to answer that. Hopefully, you are. If you do it right, the answer will include introspection and time for things to click. In the interim, try this. Start assuming the best about everybody, no matter what. If you faithfully treat people like they are awesome, an amazing thing will happen. Most of them will be. I have personal experience to back this up. Every first Sunday of the month, my group hosts lunch at the local soup kitchen. Our doors open and in mosey single moms, meth addicts, poor old people, Latinos who may or may not have a green card, children, people who smell like BO, teenagers with cell phones, people who feel entitled to a free meal because their life sucks, people who cry and hug you when the plate gets set in front of them because their life is blessed, seniors, disabled people, those with companion dogs, those with no companions at all, and those who show up early and leave late, to help us with our chores. Lazy moochers? Shit-out-of-luck losers? Heads-of-household who have hit hard times and can't feed their families? Mentally ill? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

    Yes. They are all of that. They are here. They are my neighbors. They are my community. They are the ones I bump into on the streets and in the grocery store. They are my fellow human beings. They are Americans. Just like you, with your warm home, healthy kids, and friends you share summer burger and beer parties with.

    If the right wants to appeal to a wider base, it simply must implore its sympathizers to open their eyes - not to the freeloaders and nanny-staters...but to the parents and the workers. To the Americans who work hard, believe in the same values you do, (liberty, freedom, responsibility, compassion, and the pursuit of happiness). THESE are the Americans who voted for Obama, and yeah, he really did win because of them.


  1. I'm a Conservative Republican, but I can respect both sides of the fence. The sad thing is there shouldn't be a fence, Americans need to work together, agree to disagree, and do what is right for our Country. This election has caused such a divide in our Country, it's a huge disappointment. I am not a fan of Obama and I'm not ashamed to express my opinion, but he is our President and will be for the next 4 years and because of that I will stand behind him. I may not agree with what he does, but I believe he thinks he is doing what is best for our Country!

  2. Thanks for your thoughts, Heather. We do need to work together even when we don't see things the same way, because ultimately, we want the same things. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.

    I am watching Congress like a hawk for the next two years. Well, I always do that, but this time, they will know it because I'll tell them every week...may EVERY American join me, regardless of party. Thanks!

  3. It's nice to have another "friend" that has the same respect for people's opinions. My best friend is a strong liberal, and has complete opposite political views as I, but we love each other regardless! And you're right about everyone wanting "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness."

  4. If we can be friendly toward one another despite our perceived flaws of "the other" - we'll do everybody a world of good. :)
